Local schools to receive help with purchasing library books

State Representative Charlie Meier (R-Okawville) is pleased to announce that eight school districts in the 108th legislative district have been awarded funds from the School District Library Grant Program.

“This is great news for schools receiving the grant.” said Rep. Meier. “Over $11,000 have been awarded to eight schools in my district thanks to the School District Library Grant Program administered by the Secretary of State’s office.”

The School District Library Grant Program is designed to help provide more library books and materials for the students of public schools in Illinois. The state legislature has authorized up to a $.75 per pupil expenditure for qualifying schools. The grant award is based on funds appropriated by the General Assembly and the official enrollment as of the previous September 30th of a school district.

Bartelso Elementary School District #57



Central Community High School District #71



Highland CUSD #5



Mascoutah CUD #19



Nashville CCD #49



Nashville CHSD #99



Wesclin CUSD #3



Triad C.U.D. #2



For his part, Secretary of State Jesse White offered his own remarks regarding the release of the school library grant funds.

“As a former public school teacher and administrator, I know our school libraries are very important in helping students learn and prepare themselves for the future,” said Illinois Secretary of State and State Librarian, Jesse White. “Illinois was the first state to implement a school district grant program for libraries, and I am pleased that we can continue to provide them with some of the financial resources they need to produce well-educated students.”

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